Fishing Trends
Crappie/White perch: The cold water period is an excellent time to limit out on black crappie and catch jumbo white perch. Crappie will stage on the river channel during the coldest part of winter and gradually move back in the creeks as waters warm. We will target crappie by spider rigging deep water fish with live bait and long line troll when they move shallower with warming temperatures.
Blue Catfish: When water temperatures dip into the mid 40’s the catfish bite will slow but there are fantastic opportunities to fill coolers in the winter under the right conditions. Some of the largest blue catfish of the year are caught during the cold water period from December through March. Call Captain Taylor for his take on your prospects if you are interested in winter catfishing.
Striped Bass: Lake Wateree offers great opportunities to catch smallish stripers in the 4 to 8 pound range downlining live shad and blueback herring in mid winter. As waters warm these fish will head north making a false spawning run to the upper lake in spring where they can be taken with live and fresh cut bait.
Bluegill: The favorite fish of many young anglers. Catfish ON! will target spawning bream in May. A great experience and super fast action. Make a reservation for a short 3 hour trip to introduce a child to fishing.